Professional Protection Inc.

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5 Simple Ways to Improve Security

  1. Always make sure your security guards have all the necessary information as it relates to your business. This could include; all basic information regarding the property, such as the address, the size and layout of the facility, emergency plans, and who the key personnel are.

  2. Communication is essential when dealing with security. Some security incidents can be avoided simply by keeping your security team aware of any developments. If potential criminal activity is overlooked by regular staff, and not relayed to security promptly, it could lead to more severe consequences. It is extremely important that your security staff is made aware of all possible security concerns, so they can preemptively deal with any situation.

  3. Hire a mobile patrol service. These services are a great, cost effective means of securing your property and can be applied to almost any business, anywhere. Mobile patrols cost much less than a 24 hour guard, but are still very effective in deterring criminal activity. Potential criminals will see that your business is secured by a marked security vehicle and will move on to an easier target. Mobile patrols offer flexible security plans that provide coverage on a random or set schedule.

  4. Ensure the security provider uses security integrated technology to monitor guards and premises. Electronic reporting systems like the one Professional Protection Inc. uses are the new standard in physical security services. This is because the systems enable security managers and the clients themselves to monitor security guard activity in real-time. Each time a security officer scans a patrol point during a mobile patrol or at a regular post, all parties involved are notified and a report is generated.

  5. Update your surveillance systems. Deterring criminal activity altogether is the main goal of security, but when security incidents do happen it is important to have a clear record of what happened. Updated surveillance allows for a higher chance of gathering key information which can hold responsible parties accountable.